The Ultimate Guide for an At-Home Wine Night

February 18, 2021

While visiting Missouri’s 125+ wineries is an awesome adventure in itself, there’s no place quite like home. Why let your enjoyment of Missouri’s award-winning wines end when you depart from wine country? Host your own wine night, right in the comfort of your own home!

Follow our top tips for creating your own at-home wine night, where you can explore Missouri’s unique varietals or savor your favorite Show-Me State wines.


Just like any gathering or activity, preparation is key! Planning your at-home wine night a bit in advance can ensure that you maximize the enjoyment of the evening. Want to recreate a wine tasting in your own home? Or, would you rather pair a few of your favorite varietals? Regardless, purchasing the right wine selection is critical to make your wine night a success!

For those who are interested in a tasting night, purchase a few different Missouri varietals so your palate can delight in the range and variety of Missouri’s wines. Depending on your taste preferences or adventuresome spirit, you may want to select options that vary in dryness and include both red and white wines. Take a look at our varietal page to learn more about each individual varietal, and find a wine retailer near you using our interactive map!

But what would a wine night be without perfectly paired food? After you settle on your award-winning wine selection, it’s time to decide on a menu for your evening of enjoyment!


The pairing possibilities are nearly endless with Missouri wines, which brings incredible flexibility to your at-home wine night. We’ve got the resources you need to select the right menu based on your wine choices and preferences for this at-home evening.

If your wine night includes cooking a homemade meal, take advantage of the recipes listed on our blog for inspiration. From burgers and pasta, to sweet treats like a fruity trifle, our wine-centric recipes are perfect for experiencing Missouri wines in a new way! Not interested in preparing an entire meal for your at-home wine night? You may want to have a spread of easily-enjoyed food offerings, such as cheeses (perhaps a charcuterie board) or junk food. These simple and low-stress food choices pair well with Missouri wines and a relaxing evening.

Want to focus your wine night on the wine, rather than cooking or preparing food? This is the perfect time to support a local restaurant and order a meal to complement your wine selection. Our infographic gallery has pairing ideas for pizza, takeout and more!


Once your wine has been purchased and your food pairings have been selected, it’s time to think about the proper serving of your award-winning wine. Take a look at our quick infographics on chilling wine and using the proper glassware:


Want tips on how to use the 5 S method for tasting wine? Check out our infographic resource that will walk you through the process!

Activities – if you choose!

Although tasting and enjoying Missouri wine can be an activity within itself, adding crafts or games to your at-home wine night can make this occasion even more special!

Use upcycled Missouri wine bottles and corks, along with findings from your craft drawer, to create your own DIY masterpieces. We have craft ideas on our blog (including this wine cork tray) to get you started! Are games more your speed? You’re in luck – Missouri wine is the perfect match for your favorite card or board game!

Regardless of how you choose to enjoy your at-home wine night, make sure you include award-winning Missouri wine!


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