Walnut Creek Winery

Walnut Creek is a local winery dedicated to crafting premium vinifera and hybrid wines. In a true farm-to-table fashion, their vines are family-and-friend grown on small farms throughout Missouri. Every bottle of wine will be a culinary adventure brought to you by your local community. 


Waves Cider Company

 Cider Co. is an award winning winery in Mid-Missouri. Our focus is on heritage style cider as well as approachable cider with lower sugar content than what you typically see on store shelves.  We're proud to have nearly five hundred trees in the ground with over fifty varieties in our new orchard and looking forward to planting more next spring.  Currently the tasting room is only open to the public on Saturdays, but we also host special events every day of the week. 


Reserve Cellars of Hermann

The Reserve Cellars tasting room is located in the former press house and cellars of George Husmann “Father of the Missouri Grape Industry” on the historic Hermann Farm in Hermann, MO. This two-story press house and wine cellar was built at the same time as the main 1847 house.


Chardonel Fondue (lactose-free version)

March 14, 2023


Fondue is inarguably both delicious and fun to eat. Here’s an alternate version of this fun wine-infused recipe that is friendlier to those with food allergies. Before you get started on this recipe, here are a few tips to ensure you end up with the most delicious fondue possible.

  1. Measure everything. Often in cooking it’s okay to estimate or season with your heart. In this recipe though, consistency is key and for that you need accurate measurements of all the ingredients.
  2. Soak your cashews for easy blending. If you have a high-powered blender, you can get away with not soaking your cashews, but for a quicker and guaranteed creamy texture, soak your cashews at room temperature overnight or for at least 30 minutes in boiling water. 
  3. Don’t skimp on the dippers. This fondue is creamy and flavorful, but a good fondue experience is all about the dippers. We recommend: sweet peppers, bread, pickles, apples, mushrooms, blanched asparagus, pretzels, radishes, and cherry tomatoes, but the list is practically endless.
  4. Stick with a DRY Chardonel. Even if you tend to prefer sweeter wines to sip on, stick with a dry Missouri Chardonel for this recipe as it works better to give that cheesy flavor.



1 cup raw cashews

¾ cup cooked potato (approximately 1 medium potato)

½ cup dry Missouri Chardonel

½ cup chopped onion (approximately ½ a small onion)

1 clove garlic, chopped

½ tablespoon olive or avocado oil

¾ cup unsweetened dairy-free milk

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoons sea salt

½ teaspoon ground mustard

3 tablespoons nutritional yeast



  1. Add your peeled and chopped potatoes to a pot of boiling water. Cook for 15-20 minutes or until soft.
  2. Add the oil to a small skillet and sauté the chopped onion on medium heat until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add the chopped garlic to the onions and sauté for an additional 1-2 minutes.
  4. Add the Chardonel to the pan with the onions and garlic. Cook until reduced slightly, 3-5 minutes.
  5. When the potatoes are finished cooking, drain them and measure out ¾ cup into your blender.
  6. Add all the ingredients into your blender and blend on hight until creamy and smooth.
  7. Taste and add more salt to taste if needed.
  8. If your fondue is a little thinner than you’d like, add back to a pot on the stove and let simmer stirring frequently until it has thickened to your preference. If you are using a traditional, lit fondue pot, this step is unnecessary.
  9. Serve with lots of delicious dippers and enjoy with friends!

Cheese and wine are an amazing pairing and this deliciously dairy-free alternative to the traditional fondue is a wonderful way to enjoy the pairing without the pain. Cheers to fondue for everyone!

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