DIY Screw Cap Stepping Stone

September 18, 2024

DIY Screw Cap Steppingstone


Save your screw caps and use them to make a unique piece of art. Repurpose and reuse your screw caps instead of throwing them away. With just a few supplies make a beautiful conversation piece with your leftover screw caps!



  • Vaseline
  • 9-inch cake pan
  • Contact Paper
  • Screw Caps
  • Bag of quickcrete
  • Water
  • 5 Gallon Bucket
  • Trowel 
  • Sponge




  1. Cut contact paper to shape of cake pan, and place design upside down on contact paper in cake pan or stone mold.
  2. Apply even coating of Vaseline to your cake pan or stone mold.
  3. Mix concrete according to bag instructions. 
  4. Add concrete to the cake pan. Be sure to push down to fill any cracks with the concrete. Fill to brim of cake pan with cement.
  5. Tap the sides of the cake pan with a mallet or hammer to release any air bubbles.
  6. Let sit until cement is dry. Approximately 7-8 hours in the sun. Turn upside down and release carefully from the cake pan.
  7. Wet a sponge and clean of the design!


Repurpose your old screw caps and share your final design with us using #mowineDIY

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