Adam Puchta Winery

Last years Voyage event, the celebration of the life and legacy of Tim Puchta was such a huge success that all of his friends and family wanted to do it again! This year we are calling it Timmy-Palooza (by popular vote)! We will be jamming all day with the band members of Voyage and The Bluff-Tones! Tim loved music and was immersed in it from an early age. Somewhere around 1974, he helped form Voyage with friends from high school. He played bass guitar and sang back up for many years with some of his favorite people. Later, he switched to “the Keys” as well as percussion instruments to help form The Bluff-Tones.

Not only will we be spending the day jamming in celebration of Tim, but we will also have many special tributes to him including:
-Tim’s Favorite 1855 Cellar Bistro foods
-Throwback Voyage Band shirts
-Extremely limited edition Voyage beer from Turbulence Brewery
-Lots of chances to share fond memories of Tim
So much more to be announced as the event draws near!
We can’t wait to celebrate Tim Puchta’s legacy with everyone.

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