Wine + Ice Cream = A Real Sweet Treat

July 07, 2015

Wine Float Recipe

Serves 4


1 pint ice cream

1 bottle (750mL) Missouri wine

16 oz of club soda

1 cup fruit


You can use any glassware you’d like as long as it is can accommodate 16 ounces or so; mason jars work for a fun presentation. To assemble the wine floats, scoop approximately ½ cup of ice cream (this is usually about 2 scoops) into each of the glasses. Pour 4-6 oz. of wine and 3-4 oz of club soda into each of the glasses, alternating a couple of times. This helps mix the float without melting the ice cream too fast. Top your dessert cocktail with fruit and serve with a straw and a spoon. Enjoy!


Missouri Wine Milkshake

Wine Milkshakes are almost as easy as wine floats, the biggest difference being the blender. You’ll need ice cream and wine. Fruit, whip cream and other mix-ins are an optional addition.

Wine Milkshake Recipe

Serves 2-4 (depending on how thick you like your milkshakes)


1 pint ice cream

1-2 cups Missouri Wine (Chilled!)

1 cup fruit or other mix-ins (Optional)


Scoop ice cream into the blender and add wine 1/2 cup at a time until it reaches the desired consistency. Pour into glassware of your choice. Top with whip cream and a cherry (optional), and serve with a straw. Enjoy!

*Pro-Tip: Put your glasses or mason jars in the freezer ahead of time. This will keep your frozen treat cold longer.


Flavor Combinations we recommend:

  • Chocolate Ice Cream + Chambourcin Wine + Strawberries
  • Mango Sorbet + Vignoles Wine + Pineapple
  • Vanilla Ice Cream + Concord Wine + Raspberries or Black Grapes
  • Vanilla Ice Cream + Vidal Blanc Wine + Melon
  • Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Wine + Norton + Cherries
  • Vanilla Ice Cream + Sweet Sparkling Wine + Raspberries (If you use this combo for a float, you can skip the club soda and replace it with additional sparkling wine.)

Missouri wine pairs well with ice cream floats and milkshakes!


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