Véraison: A Vineyard’s True Colors

July 18, 2017

Véraison is a fancy French word that simply means the grapes are beginning to change color. A more complete definition is that Véraison is the beginning of berry ripening when the berries on a grape vine become soft and take on the colors characteristic of their specific varieties. What makes Véraison exciting? It means harvest is just around the corner, and the grapes are beginning to take on all of the wonderful characteristics that present themselves in the finished wine we enjoy so much.

Véraison: A Vineyard’s True Colors | Missouri Wine

Véraison: A Vineyard’s True Colors | Missouri Wine

Véraison: A Vineyard’s True Colors | Missouri Wine

Véraison: A Vineyard’s True Colors | Missouri Wine

Véraison: A Vineyard’s True Colors | Missouri Wine

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