Touchdown Wine Pairings for the Super Bowl

February 09, 2024

Who is ready to watch The Kansas City Chiefs play in the Super Bowl? We can’t wait to support our team on February 11!

Watching the Super Bowl is a time-honored tradition for many Americans, and it's always more enjoyable with a few snacks and a glass of wine by your side.

If you're a fan of Missouri wine, you're in luck - there are plenty of delicious options to choose from. Whether you prefer a crisp white or a bold red, there's a perfect pairing for every snack you might have on hand. 

Vignoles + Buffalo Chicken Dip

Chardonel + Deviled Eggs

Traminette + Chicken Wings

Vidal Blanc + Chips and Guacamole

Catawba + Pulled pork (Bonus: Try Catawba Pulled Pork)

Concord + Cookies

Rosé + Nachos

Chambourcin + Sliders

Norton + Pizza

Now that you have your snacks figured out for the game, it’s time to focus on the wine. Chilling your wine before enjoying it is a very important step. To ensure your vino is the perfect suggested temperature for game day, check out our wine chilling cheat sheet!

Wine Chilling Sheet










Feel ready for kickoff on Sunday? You’ve got the snacks and wine, you can sit back and enjoy the game! Go Chiefs!

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