Ready, Set, Upcycle! Wine Bottle Edition

August 10, 2013

When you finish a bottle of delicious Missouri wine, do you ever think – what a pretty bottle? I wish I could do something with it. Well, there are countless ways to turn those seemingly useless glass bottles into beautiful, useful works of art (I mean countless. Just search “wine bottle crafts” on Pinterest. It’s endless.). The complexity of your art project is entirely up to you, but before you get started, here are a few quick tips to keep in mind:

  1. For most projects that require multiple bottles, a variation in size and shape looks best.
  2. To remove labels, you can use nail polish remover or soak the bottles in a water bath with a small amount of bleach.
  3. Be careful. Wine bottles are fairly durable, but they are glass and can break. Wear safety gear as needed.

Looking for something simple and quick? Try these yarn or twine-wrapped bottles that look great as vases, centerpieces or mantle decorations. Get creative with your color scheme and embellishments. Create chic containers for household items like soap with this simple etched glass technique. Or, if you’re getting into the Halloween spirit early, these bottles painted as jack-o-lanterns are a fun and festive craft.

If you’re wanting a project that requires a little more investment, check out these wine bottle tiki torches. These are an awesome way to light up your deck for these beautiful Fall nights we’re having. Fill them with citronella when you need a two-in-one light and bug repellent. One person’s trash is… a bird’s best friend. Make a unique bird feeder for another outdoor upcycle project.

Are you a crafting whiz or have you been collecting bottles for ages with a grandiose project in mind? There is no shortage of inspiration for those who want to take on a big task such as tumblers, a lamp, or a chandelier. For all of these projects, you’ll need a means of cutting the bottles. You can use a glass cutter from your local craft store. Here are some very thorough instructions for a basic cutter that works well for circular cuts. There are many different types of cutters. Whichever option you prefer, invest in a buffing tool as well to keep the edges of your artwork from sending you or anyone else running for the bandages.

Whatever project you choose, have fun! Missouri wines pair well with upcycling.

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