Peanut Butter Pie

November 23, 2015

Pair with Pirtle Mellow Red. Peanut butter and concord grapes-- a match made in heaven! Like an adult pb&j!

- 1C peanut butter
- 1 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
- 1/2C granulated sugar
- 1 tub (12 oz) Cool Whip or other whipped topping, thawed
- 1 prepared pie crust (chocolate or graham cracker works best)
- 2 tbsp Nutella spread, melted *optional*

1) If desired, Melt Nutella in microwave about 30 seconds until pourable.
2) Pour Nutella into pie shell and spread across the bottom of pie shell.
3) Refrigerate to set while preparing filling.
4) Beat together 1 cup peanut butter, cream cheese and sugar in large bowl with an electric mixer on medium, until well combined.
5) Gently mix in whipped topping until thoroughly combined. Spoon mixture into pie shell. Using a spatula, smooth mixture to edges of pie.
6) Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Recipe by Erin Finn

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