Myth of the Month: Red Wine Serving Temperature

January 10, 2025

Some say room temperature, others say cellar temperature. For this Myth of the Month, we are evaluating the optimal temperature for red wine.

Room temperature is around 70-73 degrees Fahrenheit. While room temperature is the easiest way to serve your wine, it could impact the taste of the wine in your glass.

Cellar temperature is around 55-58 degrees Fahrenheit. Most of us do not have a cellar in our homes, or a place that we keep at this temperature. This temperature is ideal for storing, but not for tasting.

Red wine is ideally served right in between room temperature and cellar temperature!

For a Missouri red wine, aim to serve it at around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure the wine you serve your guests will provide the best tasting experience.

About an hour before you plan to serve your Missouri red wine to your guests, put in the refrigerator. This will bring your wine down to around 65 degrees Fahrenheit and get it ready for your guests!

Chilling wine infographic

Check out this graphic to get all of your wine ready to serve!

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