Hobby Month: Wine Label Serving Trays

January 07, 2025

January is Hobby Month, and these trays are the perfect way to kickstart a new hobby! Serving trays with a twist. Use old labels to make this wine label serving tray.


  • Serving tray (preferably inset)
  • Labels off of favorite bottles
  • Glue stick
  • Razoring/scalpel tool
  • Foam Brush
  • Mod Podge
  • Lacquer
  • Epoxy

If you are removing labels from a bottle, check out this video:

Label Removal Video

Please watch our step by step video:



  1. Gather old labels or remove your favorite labels from the bottle
  2. Place the labels onto the tray, sticky side down, in whatever pattern you like, use the glue to stick the labels down
  3. Use foam brush to apply a light layer of mod podge on the labels, cover every label and to the edge of the tray
    • Let dry completely and apply another thin layer
  4. Use foam brush to apply a light layer of lacquer on the labels, cover every label and to the edge of the tray
    • Let dry completely and apply another thin layer
  5. After lacquer is dried, apply epoxy over the lacquer, and let dry


  • Use a well-ventilated area for lacquer and epoxy application.
  • If air bubbles appear, use a heat gun or blow dryer to settle the epoxy.


Now you have the perfect, unique serving tray to impress your guests, and add a pop of life to your home!

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