October 23, 2018
Hermannhof Winery
330 East First Street
Hermannhof Winery was built in 1852 in the French section of Hermann. The winery’s ten stone cellars and brick superstructure are among the 100 buildings in the town placed on the National Register of Historic places. Winery staff have witnessed unexplainable movements and disturbing noises, including doors that open and close on their own and chairs that scoot across the floor.
Mount Pleasant Estates
5634 High Street
Mount Pleasant Estates is the oldest winery in the Augusta appellation. George and Frederick Muench, two brothers from Germany, established the winery in 1859 as a commercial wine business. Although both died many years ago, winery staff think at least one of the Muench brothers still resides in the wood and limestone cellars he and his brother built in 1881. Flash photography sometimes captures shiny, white orbs which staff believe belong to one of the brothers who still oversees the winery but now prefers a more hands-off approach.
Regina and Lee Ruppert believe a ghost likes to keep them company at their winery, although you won’t hear rattling chains or any other scary noises from their quiet resident. It’s the smell of tobacco that gives their spiritual resident’s presence away. The Rupperts are in the early stages of trying to figure out who still calls their winery home. They suspect the ghost is a Native American or early pioneer.