Basic Truffles

November 23, 2015

These basic truffles are easy to make and are delicious paired with a dry red wine, such as Pirtle's Alhambra.

Makes: About 35 truffles

- 12oz bittersweet chocolate, chopped
- 1/3 C heavy whipping cream
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (alternatives include hazelnut extract or maple extract)
- crushed nuts, cocoa powder or other coatings

1) In a double-boiler, or a large bowl over a simmering pot of water, combine chocolate and cream.
2) Cook, stirring until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat and whisk in flavoring.
3) Pour into a small bowl and refrigerate until set, but not hard, about 2 hours.
4) Form evenly into balls and roll in toppings, if desired.
5) Refrigerate until ready to serve

Adapted from a recipe from

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