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Cabernet Franc is a well-known grape that originated in France in the 17th century. The grape’s ability to adapt to various soil types allows it to be grown in many parts of the world.  


Kah-behr-neh Fronk

Acres in Missouri:

3.7 acres

Flavors or tasting notes:

Cabernet Franc provides classic fruit notes of strawberry and black cherry in addition to hints of roasted pepper and tobacco.

Taste Profile:

The grape typically produces medium-body dry red wine with balanced acidity and firm tannins.

Ideal Serving Temperature:

Chilled to 65°F

Food pairings:

Lamb, duck, turkey, roasted pork, Feta, Brie, Boursin, red sauce with fresh herbs


Cabernet Franc


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Valvin Muscat is a white interspecific grape cultivar developed in the 1960s by Cornell University New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. The vines produce small, compact grape clusters and are moderately cold hardy.  


VAHL-vin muh-skat

Acres in Missouri:

50.2 acres

Flavor Tasting Notes:

This wine has complex aromas fruit notes including peach, mango, nectarine and orange blossom. The spicy undertones and floral aromas work well for producing highly aromatic varietal wines and work well for wine blends.

Taste Profile:

The wines may have some mineral undertones, a clean crisp finish and refreshing acidity.

Ideal Serving Temperature:

Chilled to 55-60°F

Food pairings:

Spicy dishes, Indian, Thai food, brie

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